Monday, July 30, 2012

What is Ductless Air Conditioning?

What is Ductless Air Conditioning?: Have you heard about ductless air conditioning? Not a lot of people of have heard of it. It is an air conditioning device that will not have ductwork. These devices are quiet compared to other models plus they are quite efficient. Another name of these models is the mini-split system.

1 comment:

  1. Ductless air conditioning is a system of cooling the home without the use of central air duct systems. While this can be achieved using window-mounted units, a more efficient technique involves the use of split system air conditioning units. These are a type of ductless air conditioning made up of two components: an indoor fan unit used to disperse cool air, and an outdoor refrigerant unit which cools air and disposes of condensation. A series of flexible lines connect the two units, allowing electricity, refrigerant, and condensate to run between the indoor and outdoor units.

    Ductless Air Conditioning
