Ramsond Mini Split - The Temperature Control.
Controlling the thermal conditions that are determined by environmental variables and individual variables becomes increasingly necessary to improve the quality of life. The balance between them determines our body thermal sensation and comfort level. Currently, the most widely used to control environmental variables are air conditioning systems. Completely control the temperature, humidity and ventilation and also help the environment, it has become the biggest challenge facing companies HVAC, right now.
Ramsond Mini Split Heat Pump - Weatherization and Comfort.
The Weatherization is the air treatment process which simultaneously controls the temperature, humidity, cleaning and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.
Means the feeling of thermal comfort complete physical, from a viewpoint of balance in heat exchange. In a closed environment are four environmental factors directly involved in thermal comfort: air temperature, humidity, air movement and air cleanliness.
Ramsond Corporation. Temperature and Air Circulation.
The air temperature is directly related to the exchange of heat between two bodies, in this case between the air surrounding the individual and his skin. Proper temperature control eliminates accommodative effort, greater comfort and getting physical.
The air streams are directly involved in the thermal sensation of persons, so that the higher the air velocity, higher heat transfer capacity and have increased our ability sweating.
Ramsond Mini Split Reviews. Air Purification.
A large part of human body heat is dissipated by evaporation through the skin (perspiration). If the humidity exceeds certain levels no sense of comfort.
The purity of the air is achieved by renewing the room air and is controlled by the removal of particulate contaminants with filters or other devices and / or by ventilation.