Cheap Portable AC Unit. In the Winter and Summer.
Move the switch on your ceiling fan so the blades spin clockwise. This will push the warm air back down into the room. In the summer move the switch to rotate the fan blades counterclockwise. This will create a breeze that will help to keep you cool by evaporating perspiration at a faster rate. Try keeping the fan on its lowest setting. It doesn’t need a lot of speed to do its job and it will also be less obtrusive when the fan is on slow.
Portable AC Unit Home Depot. Ceiling Fan.
Using your ceiling fan should allow you to turn down the furnace a few degrees. Heat tends to rise toward the ceiling where it doesn’t do much good. The ceiling fan will mix the warm air back into the room, meaning you’ll need the furnace to come on less often.
Use your ceiling fan instead of your air conditioner whenever possible. A ceiling fan is far cheaper to run than an air conditioner. There may be days when you need the AC but by reducing your use you’ll also be saving on your utility bill.
Use your ceiling fan in conjunction with your air conditioner. The air conditioner will remove the humidity from the room but the ceiling fan will circulate the air, helping the AC unit to do a more efficient job.
Small Portable AC Unit. Add a Light Fixture.
Add a light fixture to your fan so it can do dual duty, providing you with an attractive light fixture while saving on energy costs. Ceiling fans come in many styles to suit any décor including multi-colored blades for the kid’s room, sports logos or airplane propellers for the den or family room or more formal fan and light kits for the living room.
Portable AC Unit. Choose the Right Size.
Choose the right size ceiling fan for the room. Fans come in various sizes and the larger the room the larger the fan should be in terms of blade length. For a room of approximately 75 square feet a fan with 36 inch blades is adequate while a large room of 225 square feet or greater will need a 54 inch fan. Larger areas will benefit from the use of two ceiling fans.