Lg Mini Split Heat Pumps. Air Distribution.
The air conditioning equipment, both cold as those incorporating heat pump for winter, now offer a high level of comfort and high efficiency due to: Air distribution, air moves around the room and keeps it clean. Quiet and efficient equipment. The technologies currently used in both compressors and the fans, teams lead to very quiet and with better performance, lighter weight, increasing the chances of installation at different locations.
Best Mini Split Heat Pump. Calculation of comfort.
To know what capacity is the equipment you need for your home, you need to estimate by calculation of the space you want to heat conditioned. This calculation is done by the technical expert who visit your home. You need to know the area of the room, number of people occupying the room, well as size and location of windows. To work, rest, do housework and other activities, the AC is comforting and helps prevent diseases such as: heat stroke or the pressure drops. Is advisable not to use the air conditioner for cooling, but to condition the atmosphere.
How To Install Ductless Heat Pump? High Comfort.
The ideal is to keep between 23 and 25 degrees. To achieve a high level of comfort in the places where they spend most of the time. And in summer, good climate control is paramount to have a better quality of life. Heat pumps allow you to have a constant temperature. Generally the temperature should be between 66 and 70 ° F during the day and between 59 and 63 º F at night. Energy savings can be achieved by controlling: ideal temperature chosen, the temperature control rooms, the temperature control schedules, adequate insulation.
Multi Zone Heat Pump. Physical solution.
Air conditioning has been a solution that has changed the pace, activity, work and quality of life of its inhabitants.
- Improved comfort at work and at leisure.
- Increased working efficiency.
- Increased physical and intellectual activity.
-Reduces the presence of insects and parasites.
-Controls perspiration and maintains internal hydration.
-If the installation is quality and is well reviewed, renews and improves circulation of air we breathe.