Carrier Ductless Split - Cleaning Discussion.
There is also a debate on how often air conditioning duct cleaning should be performed. Many organizations, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, believe that cleaning should be done on an as-needed basis in order to maintain system function and quality. Others say that a cleaning may be in order every three to five years.
Ductless Air Conditioning - Vital Importance.
Many air conditioning installation companies offer free or low-cost inspections for home owners who want to know if having the ducts cleaned is a good idea. If it is decided that air conditioning duct cleaning is a viable next step based on how clogged the ductwork is, it is vitally important for homeowners to choose a reputable and licensed company to perform the work. Cleaning that is done improperly can make an allergen problem worse by stirring dust and pollen into the air, and sometimes an inexperienced cleaner can cause damage to the air system itself.
Lg Ductless - General Cleaning.
The value of air conditioning duct cleaning seems to vary based on the consumer and the ducts. Those with overly dusty homes, older systems, pests, or in high pollen areas may benefit more from having the work done than those who do not have these issues. The overall cleanliness of the home is also a factor since unkempt rooms often lead to more dust and dirt in the air.
Carrier Ductless Split System - Reports.
If the ducts are full of mold, residue, dust, and other allergens, it could be expected that air quality would suffer. In any event, keeping filters changed and outside components clean is equally, if not more, important.
There are also reports of improved efficiency within the air system after air conditioning duct cleaning. When the ducts are clear of any debris, the air flows better and the system doesn’t have to use as much energy. This can lower the cost of running the system.