Ductless Split Air Conditioner. How To Clean Your Central Air Conditioner.
Cleaning you central air conditioner is a very important and smart thing to do. With the hot summer months approaching your central air conditioner will work harder and raise your utility bill quite a bit if the unit is dirty. So, in the hub I will explain some simple, yet effective methods to clean your air conditioner and make it operate more efficient.
Ductless Split Air Conditioner Reviews. How To Clean The Outside Condenser Unit.
Lets start with the outside condenser unit. It has small fins all around it, that suck up all kinds of debris while it is running. It will accumulate dust, dirt, leaves, little pieces of grass cuttings, etc. This part of the air conditioner must be cleaned at least once a month for your air conditioner to operate effectively.
Start by shutting of the quick disconnect to the unit. After you are sure all power has ceased to the unit, spray the aluminum fins with a mild detergent or even laundry soap will work. Just mix water and the detergent in a spray bottle, and give the fins a good soaking. Let the mixture soak into the fins for five minutes or so, the take your garden sprayer and spray the fins out at a 45 degree angle, until the water runs clear and you are sure you have gotten all the dirt and grime out.
Ductless Split Air Conditioner with Heat Pump. How To Clean The Evaporator Coils.
Now that the outside condenser coil is cleaned, we need to clean the evaporator coil, or sometimes called an A coil of our air conditioner. The evaporator coil is located inside the home above the furnace and main duct. Make sure all power is off to the air conditioning unit and furnace. Find the panel that covers the evaporator coil, it is usually covered with foil tape. Remove the foil tape, and the screws holding on the panel. Once removed you will see the evaporator coils.
Start by taking a shop vacuum and suck up all the dust and lint off of them. Next spray your solution of detergent and water all over the evaporator coils. Let them soak for awhile, then rinse. I suggest doing this gradually so your drip pan does not over flow so much. There will be some overflow, but not to worry. Once cleaned make sure the drip pan is free of debris, and put a little household bleach in the pan, and down the drain hose. This keeps mold from forming in the pan and pipe and blocking them. Replace the panel, screw and tape it back up. We are finished with the evaporator coils now, and are off to the next step.
Ductless Split Air Conditioner Cost. Next We Are Going To Clean The Air Intake.
So you are probably wondering where is the air intake at on your air conditioner system. Well it is located along the base of your wall somewhere in your home close to the evaporator. Just look around for it, it should be easy to find. Well this vent needs to be removed and cleaned with a small broom or shop vacuum. Vacuum all the dust and lint off of it. I would suggest then taking it oustide and clean it with a small tooth brush and soap and water. Let it dry, and then replace it.
Conclusion. Now that we are finished with everything, You need to put an nice clean filter in your air conditioner. Let everything dry for at least thirty minutes, then restore power, turn it on, and enjoy all the money you will be saving now, and the more efficient operation of your central air conditioner.