Friday, April 5, 2013

Senville Ductless Cooling - The Air Conditioning Coil System!




Senville Ductless Cooling. HVAC Coils in a Typical System. 

A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) coil is part of an air conditioning and heating system. There are actually two HVAC coils in a typical system. There is a condenser coil in the external air conditioning condenser and an evaporator coil in the indoor unit. The coils are what increase or decrease the temperature and pressure of the coolant gas or liquid before passing it to another section of the HVAC system.

Senville Ductless Reviews. The HVAC System.

To understand how the coils work, one first must understand how an HVAC system works. In simplest terms, the HVAC system pulls hot air into the system, cools it, then distributes it throughout the building. In winter, the system pulls cold air in, extracts the heat from it and passes that heated air through the ductwork in the building. HVAC coils play an important role in this process.

Ductless Cooling and Heating. The Compressor.

The compressor in the exterior unit is a pump that pulls hot, low pressure refrigerant or coolant gas from inside a building and will convert it into hot, compressed gas. That hotter gas is forced over the exterior coil and gets cooled off as the hot air from inside the building is blown to the exterior. The loss of heat from the coolant, however, turns the gas into a liquid form that is still very hot and pressurized.


The liquid flows into the evaporator coil that is found in the inside HVAC unit. As the liquid enters the evaporator HVAC coil, it is able to expand and cool. It is cooler than the surrounding air, so it absorbs heat out of the ductwork that is part of the HVAC system. This leaves cooler air in the ducts to be distributed throughout the building. As the cool air is dispersed through the duct system, the cooler, low-pressure gas recycles back to the exterior compressor HVAC coil to start the cooling cycle again.

Ductless Cooling Systems. The Opposite Way.

In winter, an HVAC coil works in the opposite way. The heat pump pulls air in from the outside and runs the air over the evaporator coil. The colder air is warmed by the evaporator coil and then pumped through the ductwork to heat the building. Even though the air outside a building might be freezing cold, the HVAC system is able to pull some heat from it. In fact, an HVAC coil can pull heat from air that is well below freezing.

Mitsubishi Mini Splits - A Central Heating System!

Mitsubishi Mini Splits. Central Heating.

A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building (or portion of a building) from one point to multiple rooms. When combined with other systems in order to control the building climate, the whole system may be an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system.

Mitsubishi Split System Reviews. Central Heating Differs from Local Heating.

Central heating differs from local heating in that the heat generation occurs in one place, such as a furnace room in a house or a mechanical room in a large building (though not necessarily at the "central" geometric point). The most common method of heat generation involves the combustion of fossil fuel in a furnace or boiler. The resultant heat then gets distributed: typically by forced-air through ductwork, by water circulating through pipes, or by steam fed through pipes. Increasingly, buildings utilize solar-powered heat sources, in which case the distribution system normally uses water circulation.

Mr Slim Air Conditioner. The Overall Efficiency will be Less.

In much of the temperate climate zone, most new housing has come with central heating installed since the Second World War, at least. Such areas normally use gas heaters, district heating, or oil-fired system, often using forced-air systems. Steam-heating systems, fired by coal, oil or gas, are also used, primarily for larger buildings. Electrical heating systems occur less commonly and are practical only with low-cost electricity or when ground source heat pumps are used. Considering the combined system of central generating plant and electric resistance heating, the overall efficiency will be less than for direct use of fossil fuel for space heating.

Lg Mini Splits. Heat Pumps.

In mild climates a heat pump can be used to air condition the building during hot weather, and to warm the building using heat extracted from outdoor air in cold weather. Air-source heat pumps are generally uneconomic for outdoor temperatures much below freezing. In colder climates, geothermal heat pumps can be used to extract heat from the ground. For economy, these systems are designed for average low winter temperatures and use supplemental heating for extreme low temperature conditions. 


The advantage of the heat pump is that it reduces the purchased energy required for building heating; often geothermal source systems also supply domestic hot water. Even in places where fossil fuels provide most electricity, a geothermal system may offset greenhouse gas production since most of the energy furnished for heating is supplied from the environment, with only 15–30% purchased.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mini Splits Mitsubishi. Use and Benefits of Purifiers.

Mini Splits Mitsubishi. Air Purifier.

An air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. Commercial grade air purifiers are manufactured as either small stand-alone units or larger units that can be affixed to an air handler unit (AHU) or to an HVAC unit found in the medical, industrial, and commercial industries.

Mini Split Heat and Air. Benefits of Purifiers.

Dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and dust mite feces can act as allergens, triggering allergies in sensitive people. Smoke particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can pose a risk to health. Exposure to various components such as VOCs increases the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of sick building syndrome. Additionally, with the advancement in technology[vague], air purifiers are becoming increasingly capable of capturing a greater number of bacterial, virus, and DNA damaging particulates. Air purifiers are used to reduce the concentration of these airborne contaminants and can be useful for people who suffer from allergies and asthma.

Mitsubishi HVAC Mini Split. Purifying Techniques - UVGI.

Several different processes of varying effectiveness can be used to purify air. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation - UVGI can be used to sterilize air that passes UV lamps via forced air. Air purification UVGI systems can be freestanding units with shielded UV lamps that use a fan to force air past the UV light. Other systems are installed in forced air systems so that the circulation for the premises moves micro-organisms past the lamps. Key to this form of sterilization is placement of the UV lamps and a good filtration system to remove the dead micro-organisms. For example, forced air systems by design impede line-of-sight, thus creating areas of the environment that will be shaded from the UV light. However, a UV lamp placed at the coils and drainpan of cooling system will keep micro-organisms from forming in these naturally damp places. The most effective method for treating the air rather than the coils is in-line duct systems, these systems are placed in the center of the duct and parallel to the air flow.

Mitsubishi Ductless Air Conditioning. Purifying Techniques - Filter.

Based purification traps airborne particles by size exclusion. Air is forced through a filter and particles are physically captured by the filter. HEPA filters remove at most 99.97% of 0.3-micrometer particles, and are usually more effective for particles which are larger. HEPA purifiers which filter all the air going into a clean room must be arranged so that no air bypasses the HEPA filter. In dusty environments, a HEPA filter may follow an easily cleaned conventional filter (prefilter) which removes coarser impurities so that the HEPA filter needs cleaning or replacing less frequently. HEPA filters do not generate ozone or harmful byproducts. Filter for HVAC at MERV 14 or above are rated to remove airborne particles of 0.3 micrometers or larger. 


Split AC System - Ice Storage Air Conditioning.

Split AC System. Air Conditioning.

Thermal Energy Storage using ice is practical because of the large heat of fusion of water. One metric ton of water, one cubic metre, can store 334 million joules (MJ) or 317,000 BTUs (93kWh or 26.4 ton-hours). In fact, ice was originally transported from mountains to cities for use as a coolant, and the original definition of a "ton" of cooling capacity (heat flow) was the heat to melt one ton of ice every 24 hours. This is the heat flow one would expect in a 3,000-square-foot (280 m2) house in Boston in the summer. This definition has since been replaced by less archaic units: one ton HVAC capacity = 12,000 BTU/hour. Either way, an agreeably small storage facility can hold enough ice to cool a large building for a day or a week, whether that ice is produced by anhydrous ammonia chillers or hauled in by horse-drawn carts.


The most widely used form of this technology is in large building or campus-wide air conditioning or chilled water systems. Air conditioning systems, especially in commercial buildings, are the most significant contributors to the peak electrical loads seen on hot summer days. In this application a relatively standard chiller is run at night to produce a pile of ice. Water is circulated through the pile during the day to produce chilled water that would normally be the daytime output of the chillers.


A partial storage system minimizes capital investment by running the chillers 24 hours a day. At night they produce ice for storage, and during the day they chill water for the air conditioning system, their production augmented by water circulating through the melting ice. Such a system usually runs in ice-making mode for 16 to 18 hours a day, and in ice-melting mode for 6 hours a day. Capital expenditures are minimized because the chillers can be just 40 to 50% of the size needed for a conventional design. Ice storage sufficient for storing half a day's rejected heat will do.

A full storage system minimizes the cost of energy to run the system by shutting off the chillers entirely during peak load hours. Such a system requires chillers somewhat larger than a partial storage system, and a larger ice storage system, so that the capital cost is higher. Ice storage systems are inexpensive enough that full storage systems are often competitive with conventional air conditioning designs.


The efficiency of air conditioning chillers is measured by their coefficient of performance (COP). In theory, thermal storage systems could make chillers more efficient because heat is discharged into colder nighttime air rather than warmer daytime air. In practice, this advantage is overcome by the heat losses while making and melting the ice.


There are some advantages to society from air conditioning thermal storage. The fuel used at night to produce electricity is a domestic resource in most countries, so that less imported fuel is used. This process also has been shown in studies to significantly reduce the emissions associated with producing the power for air conditioners, since inefficient "peaker" plants are replaced by low emission base load facilities in the evening. The plants that produce this power are often more efficient than the gas turbines that provide peaking power during the day. And because the load factor on the plants is higher, fewer plants are needed to service the load.

Portable AC System. Condensing Medium for the Refrigerant. 

A new twist on this technology uses ice as a condensing medium for the refrigerant. In this case, regular refrigerant is pumped to coils where it is used. Instead of needing a compressor to convert it back in to a liquid however, the low temperature of the ice is used to chill the refrigerant back in to a liquid. This type of system allows existing refrigerant based HVAC equipment to be converted to Thermal Energy Storage systems, something that could not previously be easily done with chill water technology. In addition, unlike water-cooled chill water systems that do not experience a tremendous difference in efficiency from day to night, this new class of equipment typically displaces daytime operation of air-cooled condensing units. In areas where there is a significant difference between peak daytime temperatures and off peak temperatures, this type of unit is typically more energy efficient than the equipment it is replacing.

Mini Split AC System. Combustion gas turbine air inlet cooling.

Thermal energy storage is also used for combustion gas turbine air inlet cooling. Instead of shifting electrical demand to the night, this technique shifts generation capacity to the day. To generate the ice at night, the turbine is often mechanically connected to the compressor of a large chiller. During peak daytime loads, water is circulated between the ice pile and a heat exchanger in front of the turbine air intake, cooling the intake air to near freezing temperatures. Because the air is colder, the turbine can compress more air with a given amount of compressor power. Typically, both the generated electrical power and turbine efficiency rise when the inlet cooling system is activated. This system is similar to the compressed air energy storage system.

Split System AC - Duct System Components - (HVAC).

Split System AC. Smoke/Fire Dampers.

Smoke and Fire dampers are found in ductwork, where the duct passes through a firewall or firecurtain. Smoke dampers are automated with the use of a mechanical motor often referred to as an Actuator. A probe connected to the motor is installed in the run of duct, and detects smoke within the duct system which has been extracted from a room, or which is being supplied from the AHU (Air Handling Unit) or elsewhere within the run. Once smoke is detected within the duct, the Actuator triggers the motor release and the smoke damper will automatically close until manually re-opened.


You will also find Fire dampers in the same places as smoke dampers, depending on the application of the area after the firewall. Unlike smoke dampers, they are not triggered by any electrical system, which is perfect in the event of an electrical failure where the Smoke dampers would fail to close. Fire dampers may be mounted in either horizontal or vertical configurations. Vertically mounted fire dampers are gravity operated while horizontal fire dampers are spring powered. In either case, a fire damper's most important feature is known as a fusible link. A fusible link is a piece of metal that will fail at a specified temperature allowing the damper to open under gravity or spring power, effectively sealing the duct, containing the fire, and denying it the necessary air to burn.

Split System AC Installation. Plenums.

Plenums are the central distribution and collection units for an HVAC system. The return plenum carries the air from several large return grills (vents) or bell mouths to a central air handler. The supply plenum directs air from the central unit to the rooms which the system is designed to heat or cool.

Split System AC Reviews. Terminal Units.

While single-zone constant air volume systems typically don't have them, other types of air distribution systems often have terminal units in the branch ducts. Usually there is one terminal unit per thermal zone. Some types of terminal units are VAV 'boxes' of either single or dual duct, fan-powered mixing boxes of either parallel or series arrangement, and induction terminal units. Terminal units may also include either, or both, a heating or cooling coil.

Air terminals' are the supply air outlets and 'return' or 'exhaust air inlets'. For supply, diffusers are most common, but grilles, and for very small HVAC systems such as in residences, 'registers' are also used widely. Return or 'exhaust grilles' are used primarily for appearance reasons, but some also incorporate an air filter and are known as 'filter returns'.

Install Split System Air Conditioning Units - Home Humidity!

Install Split System Air Conditioning Units. Humidity = Vaporized Water.

Your home humidity is a measurement of the amount of vaporized water in the air. Humidity levels are naturally higher in warmer climates and lower in cooler climates. The type of home you live in can also affect your humidity measurement. Older and less energy efficient homes are prone to have lower indoor humidity levels, while more modern homes with higher energy efficiency tend to have higher humidity levels.


Both high and low home humidity levels can cause problems. Humidity levels that are too high can lead to peeling paint, mold, and wet insulation. Humidity levels that are too low can cause cracks in your drywall, shrink wood floors, and loosen the joints in wood furniture.


Generally, people are most comfortable when home humidity is between 20 and 60 percent. It is recommended, however, that you keep your home's humidity level between 30 and 40 percent. This is the ideal humidity level because it balances your need for comfort with the conditions that are least likely to cause structural damage to your house.

Split System Air Conditioning Units Price. Determining Home Humidity.

There are several different strategies you can use for determining home humidity, none of which require the purchase of expensive equipment. Drop three ice cubes into a glass, add water, stir and wait for three minutes; if moisture does not form on the outside of the glass, you may need a humidifier. On the other hand, if you notice frequent fogging of your windows or moisture buildup on closet walls and room ceilings, you may have too much humidity in your home.

Cost to Install Split System Air Conditioner. Basic Changes.

Daily activities such as showering, bathing, doing laundry, and cooking all add water to the air in your home. If the humidity level in your home is too high, you should start cooking with pans covered and open a window for a few minutes to bring in cool air after the meal is complete. Taking shorter showers with cooler water may also be helpful for humidity control. If these basic changes don't help correct the problem, using a dehumidifier is recommended.

Split System AC Reviews. Humidifier.

If your home humidity levels are too low, your skin and hair may feel dry and itchy. The mucous membranes in your mouth and throat may dry out as well, which increases your susceptibility to colds and other illnesses. Purchasing a humidifier for your home is the best way to remedy this problem. Portable humidifiers work by circulating air through a wet pad or a discharging a fine mist into the room. You must add water on a regular basis, but the unit can be moved from room to room as needed.

Carrier Split AC Aircon - Refrigeration and Engineer!

Carrier Split AC Aircon. Certified to Work on Several Different Types of Heating and ventilation!

A refrigeration engineer installs and services refrigeration systems for commercial buildings, delivery trucks, and residences. He or she might specialize by working with industrial-sized refrigerating systems, walk-in coolers, or home units. In addition, many engineers are certified to work on several different types of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Service engineers can enter the field after completing two-year training programs at vocational schools or community colleges, working as apprentices for up to four years, and passing licensing and certification exams.

Carrier Aircon Air Conditioner. Maintain and Repair HVAC Systems.

Many refrigeration engineers install, maintain, and repair refrigerators and HVAC systems in homes and apartment buildings. Workers typically follow blueprints and instruction manuals to install new systems. They connect air ducts, water and coolant pipes, and electrical wires. When maintenance, repairs, or replacement parts are required, a refrigeration engineer usually troubleshoots a system, dismantles motors or electrical parts, and performs any necessary services.


A refrigeration engineer might work on walk-in coolers, air-conditioned delivery trucks, commercial refrigeration units, or large industrial systems. To ensure safety, he or she must have expert knowledge of large scale power supplies and electrical machinery. A service engineer who maintains coolers and delivery trucks is usually required to work very quickly to preserve food or other supplies in cool atmospheres. Engineers often work in teams to install large pipes and air ducts in commercial buildings and industrial facilities.

York Split Air Conditioner. Receive an HVAC Technician Certificate.

To become a refrigeration engineer, a person must typically receive an HVAC technician certificate from a community college or vocational school. Some people, however, are able to obtain refrigeration engineer jobs with a high school diploma and a proven aptitude for mechanical systems. Most new engineers work as assistants or apprentices for about four years, receiving hands-on training from experienced professionals. Individuals may be required to pass licensing exams administered by their state or country, which test their understanding of basic job skills and safety measures.

Trane Split Air Conditioner. Extensive Knowledge of the Mechanical.

An individual who works in a research and development institution might specialize in refrigeration systems engineering. He or she is responsible for designing new or more efficient machinery using computer models and drafting software. Such professionals typically hold advanced engineering degrees and have extensive knowledge of the mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties of HVAC and refrigeration systems.