Mini Split AC Installation. Insulate and Seal.
Insulate your home. Insulation reduces the amount of heat that enters your home from outside. In a well insulated house, less energy is consumed battling heat conducted in from the outside through walls and ceilings.
Seal up air leaks. A tightly sealed home reduces the amount of warm air that leaks into your home from outside. In a well sealed home, less energy is consumed battling warm air leaking in from outside.
Installing Ductless Air Conditioner. Greenhouse Effect.
Use shades to prevent the "greenhouse effect". Don't let your home heat up inside like a car with closed windows on a hot sunny day. Closing window shades during the day will prevent sunlight from entering your home and heating it up, decreasing the load on your cooling equipment.
How to Install a Split AC Unit? Thermostats.
Turn air conditioner thermostats up a few degrees. Instead of cooling your home to 72 degrees F, try 75 or 78 degrees F. Every degree you increase the thermostat setting reduces the load on your cooling system.
Programmable thermostat. Set a programmable thermostat up for your schedule do it runs air conditioning only when you are home.
Ductless Air Conditioning Installation. Change or Clean Filters.
Change or clean filters. Clean filters increase the airflow and efficiency of air conditioning equipment.
Cool only the spaces you are in. Zone your cooling system or use window air conditioners or portable air conditioners so you air condition only the area you are in. This will greatly reduce energy consumption.