Daikin Mini Splits. Setback Thermostat.
Turn it down. As a homeowner, leaving the temperature inside your home constant day and night will most likely cost you money. It's more economical to turn the heat down when no one is home, or at night when you're asleep. And if your home has a setback thermostat, you've got a simple way to do just that. Used properly, that little box hanging on your wall will save you energy -- and energy dollars.
With a central heating and cooling system must come with an automatic setback thermostat. If you have an older home that doesn't have one, you can usually replace your existing wall thermostat with a setback model very easily.
Daikin Air Conditioning. Cut your Heating Costs.
Savings with a setback thermostat can be impressive. Recent studies show that properly using your automatic thermostat could cut your heating costs from 20 to 75 percent. In summer, such devices may shave your cooling costs by 15 to 25 percent. (Your actual savings, of course, will depend on such factors as the climate in which you live, the amount of insulation in your house, the temperature you set your thermostat, and the rate structure of your utility company. Not every home is alike!)
Daikin AC. Buying Smart.
Automatic setback thermostats come in many varieties and models. They all regulate your heating and cooling system to provide comfort when you decide you need it.
Most thermostats allow you to program at least one "at home and away from home" schedule for the weekdays and a different one for the weekend.
Daikin HVAC. Seven-Day Programming.
Other models may feature full seven-day programming, enabling you to customize the operation of your heating and cooling system for any day of the week.
Some brands will start your furnace or air conditioner at the time you specify, while others reach the temperature you want at the time you want, meaning that heating or cooling will begin sooner than the time you programmed into the unit.