Thursday, May 2, 2013

Install Daikin Ductless Heat Pump. HEAT PUMP AIR-WATER.

Install Daikin Ductless Heat Pump. Heat Pumps.

The heat pump extracts heat from outdoor air and transfers it to the home through a water circuit at low temperature. Is an air conditioning, which uses hot and cold batteries, which is used to remove or extract heat from the outside.

Mitsubishi Ductless Heat Pump. The Evaporator and The Condenser.

In winter, the evaporator of the refrigerating machine is connected to the outdoor coil and the condenser to the hot battery. Heat is extracted from a mixture of outdoor air, exhaust air passing through the battery and on the machine by eliminating the air which is introduced into the local hot battery.

Daikin Ductless Heat Pump Reviews. Antifreeze Solution.

This system lends itself extremely well to applications with piston and centrifugal machines. When the outdoor temperature falls below  39.20° F. The fluid is circulated through outdoor coil must incorporate an antifreeze solution to protect them. Must be installed a device defrost for the outdoor coil.

Daikin Ductless Heat Pump Price. Operation.

Many variations may be made without changing the basic principle of operation. Can be used a water tower for cooling the condensation water in the summer and in addition to conceive fin coils that can draw heat from the outdoor air in winter. Another possibility is to use an evaporative cooler work type humid in summer and dry in winter.

Mini Split Sizing. Heat Pumps (Air Conditioning Systems).

Mini Split Sizing. The Heat Pump System.

The heat pump system can transmit heat from the environment to the units that are to be heated. The heat generated can be used for heating and hot water.


The principle of operation is the same as using a refrigerator unit . A refrigerator is able to cool a room as it removes indoor air power, at low temperature, and yields to the outside air.

Mini Split Sizing Calculator. The Operation.

If we reverse the operation of a refrigerator, cooling outdoor and heating air inside, we obtain a heat pump. For this reason most of these devices are reversible and allow cooling in summer and heating in winter.

Sizing a Mini Split System. Classification.

The heat pump is usually classified according to origin and destination, through energy, so called by two words. The first is the medium that absorbs heat (heat sink) and the second to the receiving environment (hot spot). The following describes some of these guys.

Mini Split Heat Pump Sizing. Types of Heat Pumps.

HEAT PUMP AIR-AIR: These are the most commonly used, mainly in air conditioning.


HEAT PUMP AIR-WATER: Used to produce cold water for cooling or hot water for heating and hot water.


HEAT PUMP WATER-WATER: They made use of the energy contained in the water of rivers, seas, sewage, etc..


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lg Mini Split Art Cool Aircon. Weatherize your Home.

Lg Mini Split Art Cool Aircon. Weatherize your Home.

We have different means and alternatives to weatherize our home, including electric heaters can choose, gas, boilers, underfloor heating and even air conditioning (portable air conditioning, Window Air Conditioner, Split Air Conditioner and Central Air Conditioning System).

L g Mini Split. The Most Significant Inventions. 

Undoubtedly the latter has become one of the most significant inventions of the late 90's, is that through this artifact, we can envision a new way of intelligent comfort, but over the years the manufacturers of these refrigerants, they realized that your profit could be even greater.

Lg Ductless Art Cool. Cool and Weatherize.

So as to early 2000 emerges the air conditioning, currently one of the most used by almost all homes. The heating air conditioning has become the resource of choice for anyone, because of its convenience and the emanation of clean air without impurities.

Lg Ductless Air Conditioning System. Advantages.

The advantages offered by this type of climate are very spacious, the best known is the one linked to your investment, although it is true that purchasing an air conditioner is much more costly than an electric heater or fan, but its cost is amortized over time and you will obtain its benefits.

Senville Mini Split Heating and Cooling. The Refrigerants.

Senville Mini Split Heating and Cooling. High latent heat of vaporization.

A refrigerant is any fluid that acts as a cooling agent, absorbing heat from a hot source to evaporate. High latent heat of vaporization. The greater their value, less coolant must be used in the cooling process to obtain a given temperature.

Mini Split Air Conditioner. Evaporation pressure above atmospheric pressure:

Evaporation pressure above atmospheric pressure: To prevent air in the cooling circuit, which would entail the problem that the water contained in the air to solidify and clog some duct.

Boiling point low enough to be below the operating temperature of the evaporator.

Air Conditioning Mini Split. Completely Miscible or Immiscible. 

Chemical inertia: ie which does not react with the materials that make up the circuit or the compressor oil.

It must be completely miscible or immiscible with the compressor oil: partial solubility gives rise to problems of oil deposits on the evaporator.

Mini Split Carrier. It must be...

It must be chemically stable: to the extent that is not flammable or explosive. It must be soluble in water: in this manner prevents free water can form ice crystals. For this reason the cooling circuits are provided with filters dehydrating.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gree Mini Splits. Benefits of Duct Cleaning and Decontamination!

Gree Mini Splits. Productivity.

Improve the quality of air you breathe in buildings, thus contributing to greater comfort for employees and customers. Reduces the symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, flu between customers and employees, thus obtaining a higher job performance and lower absenteeism.

Gree Air Conditioners. Profitability.

Reduce frequency of cleaning and repairs of office equipment, as it removes dust kilos ducts, and reduce the stain out walls, ceilings, carpets, dirty and the furniture damaged  .

Gree International. Electricity Costs.

Reduce electricity costs, because according to studies 1/16 "layer of dust in the ducts, can be reduced by 10% and 20% cooling efficiency, increasing energy savings. Mayor length of the air-conditioning.

Gree HVAC. Security.

The indoor air is often two to five times more polluted than from abroad, a fact that is certainly worrying as we usually see too much pollution in the street caused by dust, smoke from vehicles and industries, among others.

Lg Mini Split AC - Maintenance of Air Conditioning.

Lg Mini Split AC - Filters.

An air conditioner requires careful maintenance. The filters should be cleaned every 15 days, with water, soap and a brush. This prevents the air fouled and pollutants and dust circulating in the environment.

Lg Mini Air Conditioner - Self-Cleaning Function.

Some air conditioning models have a self-cleaning function. It is essential operational control air conditioning, so you save energy and lengthen the life of the equipment.

AC Lg Hercules Mini -  Cleaning Operation. 

Not all air conditioning maintenance is cleaning operation, check the gas charge, operating pressures, controlling power consumption in amps, testing of all electrical and mechanical components and the perfect functioning of the bearings.

The first thing to consider is what type of air conditioner maintenance can we do, to a split air conditioning or  a window or central air conditioning system through ducts. And another key factor is the cleanliness of the indoor unit

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ramsond Mini Split - The Heat Pumps System.

Ramsond Mini Split - The Basis of All Air Conditioning System.

The heat pump is the basis of all air conditioning system, but has the advantage that it can also produce heating, if the device is reversible. A good heat pump can even be used to produce all the energy it needs a house.

Ramsond Mini Split Heat Pump - Energy Efficient.

The heat pump is an energy efficient device with New Renewable Energies especially recommended. This efficiency is that, unlike other systems, such as boilers, no energy is consumed to produce heat, but to move heat from one location to another. Therefore, for each unit of energy consumed, produces up to 4 units of energy itself. 

Ramsond Corporation. Operation Heat Pumps.

A heat pump operation is based, as we have said, that moves heat from one place to another. To do so is based on a physical property of matter by which a change of state absorbs or releases heat. The liquid contained in the gas circuit becomes mechanically.

Ramsond Mini Split Reviews. The Trick.

Thanks to this 'trick' that takes advantage of the laws of physics, the device is highly efficient, to produce up to 4 units of energy for every unit of energy consumed, making the system more efficient and economical climate that exists.