Senville Ductless Heat Pump - HFC in the Atmosphere.
HFC compound, it has no chlorine, is much less toxic or flammable. If this compound is accidentally released into the atmosphere should not be a concern because it destroys the ozone layer. In the area of efficiency, its performance is equal to or better than an HCFC. Currently it is widely used. It is used in several developed countries of the world.
Ductless Heat Pump Reviews - R410A & R22.
It is important to know how is formed the refrigerant R410A. R410A is a combination of 50% R32 and R125. Both components do not destroy the ozone layer. Has been determined that the ozone depletion pontencial equals 0. Other refrigerant as R22 has an ozone depletion potential of 0.055. If we talk about yields R410A and R22, Cooling performance of R410A is much higher. Pressures R410A operated between 50% and 60% higher than those of R22.
Mitsubishi Ductless Heat Pump - More Efficiency.
R410A is friendly to the environment because it does not affect the ozone layer. The new refrigerant, unlike R22, which compound is chlorine (HCFC - fluo hydro carbonaceous chlorine) only in its composition contains HFC (hydro carbonaceous fluo). Moreover, the new gas is more efficient than the R22 to the same time use less energy to achieve the same result at ambient level, with greater reliability and superior performance.
Ductless Heat Pump System - Last Years.
The inclusion of R410A is an important industry conversion because it requires modifications to the equipment inputs. Therefore it is expected that initially the new air conditioners will cost more to today, ranging from 6 or 7% increase. But as they are manufactured on a larger scale will be balancing prices.
Like any change, it will require to go through a transition process. Currently, most residential and commercial teams that are on the market use the R22, but this will decrease sharply from 2013 continuously until the majority becomes the alternative refrigerant R410 or other authorized